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Join Us

Volunteers welcome. Together, we can help Influence Policy for a Better Akwa Ibom State!

Requirements for Joining our Winning Team

Three are two ways to join Team Umo Eno Diaspora. There is no direct membership into Team Umo Eno Diaspora.

  1. Group Membership:
    • You must either be a member of an existing group or form a new group
    • Group Requirement: A minimum number of 20 members per group, with a mininum of $2,000 registration. You can only belong to one group
  2. Financial Membership (Sponsor or Donor):
    • You must sponsor with, or donate, a substantial amount.
    • Group membership is not necessary. Financial support only
  3. To find out more information about how to help or to form a new group, please contact us.

List of Existing Groups

  • ARISE with Umo Eno