Latest News: 2023: Community of Persons With Disabilities Endorses Pastor Umo Eno

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2023: Community of Persons With Disabilities Endorses Pastor Umo Eno

2023: Community of Persons With Disabilities Endorses Pastor Umo Eno

The gubernatorial aspiration of Pastor Umo Eno received a major boost today when the community of persons with Disabilities (PWDs) alongside with Widows of Nigeria Legionnaires endorsed him as their sole candidate for next year's elections.

The endorsement took place earlier today at Lagos Street, Ewet Housing Estate in Uyo with members of the community unanimously declaring their unalloyed support for his candidacy.

When he becomes Governor, Pastor Umo Eno will pay scholarships to people living with disabilities in order to enable them further their education.

The incoming Governor himself gave them this commitment earlier today when the Joint Association of People with Disabilities met with him to inform him of their decision to vote for him in the forthcoming elections.

In the meeting also, were Widows of Nigerian Legionnaires who led by their President, Mrs. Grace Aniema informed the economic expert cum governorship hopeful that they also, will cast their votes for him and other candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party in the 2023 elections.

Drawing from portions of the scripture, Pastor Umo Eno assured the widows of God’s unending love and stated that as Governor, he will ensure their welfare is catered for.

"We are going to be very big on welfare. Part of your demands is that we should resume the scholarship scheme for disabled people. That you will get when we enter office because I believe that if you can have this impediment and you still want to go to school, then you deserve to be supported", he said.

"From a standpoint of compassion, we will do more than what you’ve asked for but let me say that we’ll support those of you who are in school through scholarships and those that are learning trade we will do the best we can to support you also", he added.

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