Latest News: 2023: Pastor Umo Eno to Develop Tourism Sites, Revive Boat Regatta Festival in Itu

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2023: Pastor Umo Eno to Develop Tourism Sites, Revive Boat Regatta Festival in Itu

2023: Pastor Umo Eno to Develop Tourism Sites, Revive Boat Regatta Festival in Itu Stakeholders Declare Support for PDP

Governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno has promised to develop the different tourism sites in Itu Local Government Area when elected into office in 2023.

Pastor Eno made the promise when the Umo Eno/Akon Eyakenyi campaign train berthed at the Itu Local Government Secretariat, Mbak Atai.

Addressing the impressive and colourful crowd, Pastor Eno recalled the lively Boat Regatta Festival in the area which had become moribund and promised to revive it, adding that his economic blueprint ARISE Agenda will find expression in Itu.

According to him, "My dear people of Itu, I assure you that all the programmes in the ARISE Agenda will find expression in Itu because whether it is agricultural revolution, Itu has arable farmlands, that gives it a pride of place in our agricultural roadmap. We shall establish an Agro processing plant to provide a means of livelihood for our women and youths.

"There are so many tourism sites in Itu that’ll be revived such as the Mary Slessor tomb, and church. We are going to ensure that the site comes alive and we’ll construct a good road to the place so that tourists can access the site. We’ll work with the World Tourism Organization ( WTO) to recognise the site as a world heritage site. Itu will be on the world map."

Pastor Eno who was accompanied by his wife, Pastor (Mrs) Patience, and the Deputy governorship candidate, Senator Akon Eyakenyi said, "Itu used to have a boat regatta but due to insecurity and disputes with neighbouring communities, it has not been able to take place. we will ensure we solve the problems in order for the festival to hold.

"I remember back then, I used to travel down here to attend the festival. We will resume that festival. That festival used to generate revenue for the people and stimulate the local economy. We must bring it back. We will ensure that Itu has its pride of place.

"When we were driving down here, I discovered that trailers are not properly parked. I remember as commissioner for Lands, His Excellency had approved that a trailer park be constructed in Itu. When we assume office in 2023, within the first 100 days in office, we’ll start the construction of that trailer park so as to minimize accidents on Itu roads.

All the trailers will have a decent park that will be fitted with recreational facilities. This will restore sanity to our roads and generate revenue for the local government area," he said.

The seasoned entrepreneur who was elated and applauded the people of Itu for the large turn out, also promised to resuscitate the science park, continue with the industrial park as well as ensure that Itam market moves to its permanent site to check the obstruction of traffic currently experienced at Itam junction.

Pastor Eno who is reputed for his capacity, competence, character, and compassion, said "we’ll touch where you did not think we’ll touch. We have conducted a needs assessment of this LGA and we’ll lift people out of poverty by supporting their businesses and engaging all the segments of society.

"I promise by the grace of God above everything else that we’ll maintain the peace that we are enjoying in Akwa Ibom.

In his remarks, Governor Udom Emmanuel commended the people of Itu for their support and resolve to vote for the PDP across all levels.

He noted that the government was working round the clock to ensure the completion of various projects in the area.

Governor Emmanuel who enumerated some projects located in the area, said the request by Itu people that government should take over the Oku Iboku Community School has been granted; adding that effective from January 2023, government will take over the school and the inter-ministerial committee will be activated to begin refurbishment work.

The Itu LGA campaign rally was attended by many PDP stalwarts from across the state.

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